"Blizzard fills Patterson Park Observatory with light, art and poetry"

"Blizzard fills Patterson Park Observatory with light, art and poetry"

Check out this Baltimore Fishbowl article about our 2024 Winter Lights installation at the Patterson Park Observatory! It takes a village to get Patterson Park’s grand dame dressed up for the holidays, and we’ve been fortunate to work with several talented artists over the years to illustrate the first floor windows. This year and last, talented artist Kait Klusewitz has done expressive window painting work highlighting winter-themed poetry. Read more HERE. Special thanks to Harry Connelly for helping us capture this year’s windows in photos!




Fresh Powder in the Park!

The first snow of the New Year is upon us and the park sledding terrain is covered with fresh powder! After a hot summer and a dry early fall, the Patterson Park slopes are finally open. Grab your sled, board or saucer and hit the slopes on Patterson Park's east or west side. There is still plenty of snow out there to shred, just be safe and have fun!

Nutty B loves to sled Cannon Ball Hill!

Winter Lights at the Observatory Wrap Up

Winter Lights at the Observatory Wrap Up

A fabulous time was had at the 10th annual Winter Lights event in Patterson Park on December 8th! We were joined by amazing food and craft vendors, holiday characters, activity partners and musical performers who continue to delight all who come to the park to enjoy the festival and lighting of the Patterson Park Observatory.

Thats to all of the volunteers and members who supported the event, and to everyone who came out to enjoy the festivities. A special thanks to our sponsors who make this event possible, including Stage & Light Sponsor GAF, Celebration Sponsor Northpoint Builders, and Window Sponsors Spa Adagio, Bike Powered Events, and PI.KL.

The lights will remain up through January...be sure to get out to see them!

Tell us what YOU think about the event!

Take our Winter Lights Feedback Survey and let us know what you would like to see at future events as we start planning for next year!

Photos by Harry Connolly of Nature Sacred

Fall Programs in Patterson Park - 2024 Wrap Up

Fall Programs in Patterson Park - 2024 Wrap Up

With the 2024 season wrapping up, we want to thank all of the youth players, parents, and FPP coaches who made this fall’s youth sports programs a success! 

A very special thank you to our sponsors, Kids Play in Patterson Park, Joey Sperato Memorial Soccer Fund, USTA Foundation, USTA Mid-Atlantic, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, and Rotary Club of Baltimore whose generous support made these programs possible. Thank you as well to all our kids, families, and amazing volunteer coaches who joined our fall programs. 

We had a full fall of programming with co-ed soccer, girls’ soccer, Tennis 101, Girls Rule the Court™, and our newest program - Red Ball Team Tennis.  Altogether, over 180 kids participated in our youth sports programs this fall!

We’re looking forward to tennis this winter and all our soccer, baseball and tennis programs starting up again in the spring! For updates or more information on Friends of Patterson Park programs, check out our programming page here.

Voluntober Wrap Up

A big thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate Voluntober with us here in Patterson Park! We had a great time at our fall volunteer extravaganza where over 80 Patterson Park neighbors joined us last Saturday in picking up trash around the park, cleaning up the castle playground, and weeding and mulching over 40 trees. Thank you so much for spending your Saturday morning with us and we think the park looks great!

Would you like to get news about all of our upcoming stewardship opportunities in the park? Visit our volunteer page HERE and sign up to get our weekly newsletter with all upcoming events and news HERE.

Be part of the Park's future...volunteer with the FPP Board

Be part of the Park's future...volunteer with the FPP Board

The Friends of Patterson Park Board & Committees help guide the work of the Friends.

IIf you’ve been a Friends of Patterson Park member for a bit, you might know about our mission - to support the diverse community surrounding the park with free park programming, to protect the historic elements like the Observatory, to steward the park’s natural resources with a busy volunteer corps, and to advocate for park resources, both to Baltimore City and funders. The 137 acres of green space that is Patterson Park is truly the Best Backyard in Baltimore, and Friends of Patterson Park works to keep it that way, for our whole community.

You may not know…all of this work is guided by the input and expertise of our Friends of Patterson Park Board, who offer their time and professional talent to our organization to help us plan strategically for the future.

What does the Friends of Patterson Park Board do?

Among other activities, the Friends of Patterson Park Board is responsible for developing the Friends’ mission, helping the organization achieve that mission and adopting an annual budget. Committee members (who may or may not be Board members) serve on the Membership & Development, Capital Projects, Finance, and Advocacy Committees to help do the important work of planning and implementation of board priorities. Board and Committee members hail from all neighborhoods around the park, and all share an enthusiasm for Baltimore City, our diverse community and our work in this thriving park. You can meet some of them HERE.

If you share our passion for Patterson Park and want to be a part of guiding its future, please consider joining us.

Fill out the form below to let us know you’d like to learn more about Committee service or if you’d like to be considered for a future position on the Board.