Latest Updates on the 1865 Fountain — Friends of Patterson Park

Caring for Patterson Park’s historic and beloved marble fountain (dating to 1865 and located in the northwest corner of the park) is certainly tricky! Here at the Friends, we’ve been working since last year to get the fountain back and operating well. During that time we identified a new contractor to complete an assessment of the fountain’s needs with fresh eyes. They determined there were a variety of issues, with the most serious being the significant corrosion of the main interior pipe. Together we prepared a scope of work and maintenance totaling $40,000 for this year. 

We have worked with our partners at the Southeast CDC to apply for a Spruce Up Grant, and also with Baltimore City Recreation and Parks to receive an allocation of Program Open Space state funds to cover this amount. We are finalizing the paperwork with the city that will allow our contractor to perform the work this spring! 

Additionally, thanks to the Spruce Up grant we’ll also be able to work on the garden areas near the fountain and enhance the area around the Little Free Library in front of our offices. If you’d like more information on the items included in this scope of work, please let us know by emailing Jennifer at
