A new space to build community & work for Patterson Park
Since the creation of the Friends of Patterson Park in 1998, our vision has always been a big one...preserving the history and beauty of Patterson Park and working to meet community needs, encouraging use by all of our diverse neighbors. As we look to the future, we find that in order to continue to serve our needs and those of park users, that in addition to improving our main office space (which we were able to do through Phase 1 of this project in 2021), we need to address the pressing need for indoor programming space.
We are excited to renew our commitment‐ deepening our roots within the park so that we can expand upon our original mission, creating programs that foster connections and cultivate our park community.
With the completion of Phase 1 of our campaign - the restoration of the 1868 Superintendent's house in the northwest corner of Patterson Park - we are embarking on Phase 2, the construction of a new community programming venue, volunteer support center and courtyard. We envision a vibrant multi-use space, which will accommodate not only our ever-growing programs, but provide a meeting space for the community and better support and space for our thriving volunteer corps. The new courtyard will give us a structured outdoor venue to conduct a variety of programming.
The global pandemic has caused an increase in construction costs; with this new reality we are faced with raising additional funding to be able to fully cover the 2nd Phase of this project. As of the start of 2023, we have raised more than 2/3 of the funding needed.
With your help, we can bridge the gap and move towards a Fall 2023 groundbreaking!
Why is this project is needed?
The construction of a Community Space adjacent to our offices in the 1868 Park Superintendent’s house will support our growing need for flexible indoor programming space. A Volunteer Support Center will help us to safely make tools available to our volunteers, and a courtyard and garden will serve as additional programming areas. We envision being able to lend the space to our community partners, and even generating revenue for our work by renting the space as available.
Phase 2 Project Goals
The Friends of Patterson Park’s Phase 2 capital project will:
Enhance the community’s year-round access to park resources by adding indoor space to accommodate community programs and events in a newly constructed building;
Replace a closed fence with a welcoming entrance to park visitors coming from north of the park, enhancing safety for visitor and residents;
Ensure the organization’s capacity to support increased programming and events that serve a diverse set of stakeholders.
Patterson Park's own "White House". Built in 1868, it was the home of the park's superintendent (and his family) until the 1960's.
Construction Planning
With a team of people encompassing the Friends of Patterson Park Board and staff, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, and our Capital Projects Advisory Committee, we have made sure to plan with our partners in a thoughtful and thorough way. Construction on Phase 1 (white house renovation) was completed in the spring of 2021. We are due to break ground on Phase 2 in the fall of 2023.
We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of these organizations in supporting this project to date:
Phase 1:
Abell Foundation
Baltimore National Heritage Area (pre-design support)
Clayton Baker Trust
France-Merrick Foundation
Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds
Middendorf Foundation
State of Maryland - Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative
State of Maryland - Maryland Heritage Areas Authority
State of Maryland - Program Open Space
Venable Foundation
Phase 2:
Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds