Thanks to all who participated in this year’s contest!


1st Place Overall: Roger Lee Katzenberg

2nd Place Overall: Kevin B. Moore

So many fantastic entries! Thank you all for showing us how you see Patterson Park! Many of these photos are in the 2021 Friends of Patterson Park Calendar, now available for purchase in our online store.

Results in each category

1st place overall: Roger Lee Katzenberg
2nd place overall: Kevin B. Moore

Winner: Ilinca Ciubotariu
Runner Up: Lee Conderacci

Winner: Earl Deickman
Runner Up: Gregory McKay

Winner: Joe Supik, Dragonfly
Runner Up: Kathy Helzlsouer, Frog

From the Air
Winner: Genesis Rivera
Runner Up: Charito Mapata

Youth (K - 12th grades)
Winner: Parker Schellenbach
Runner Up: Addy Lucas

Honorable Mentions
Farzana Ashraf
Kaitlyn Ulrich
Joseph DePasquale
Gregory McKay
Roger Lee Katzenberg
Michael Washington
Bob Quick
Laura Mggrory